Thursday, January 27, 2011

Sunday, January 23, 2011

the city of light vs. the city that never sleeps.

"An NYC transplant from Paris, graphic designer Vahram Muratyan, copes with culture shock by creating a lovely blog of simple graphics showing how the cities compare and contrast. Pitted against each other are Le Pain, La Peste, Le Tip and more in this friendly feud."

amber light.

A stylish trip from L.A to San Diego Via FashionToast.

the man behind the lens.

"You know you never know what it is, what that thing is that draws you to that person, but you just let it happen.
It seems odd, but its almost like going out there and letting yourself fall in love everyday."
-Scott Schumann a.k.a The Sartorialist
Via Iso 50.

through the looking glass.

Greenville South Carolina photographer, Marco Suarez, creates a simple spin on landscape photography, using a perfect circular frame. Via Design Sponge.

hello hello.

I'm back! I'm sorry I've been m.i.a for a while, I've been adjusting to my new life and job, apartment hunting, and exploring NYC. But, I finally have a new working computer, and I'm so excited to blog again! I hope you enjoy it.
-jackie o

Sunday, January 2, 2011

the johnny cash project.

The Johnny Cash project is a global collaborative that allows anyone to contribute a drawing to become part of the "Aint No Grave” music video. As people all over the world contribute, the video will grow and evolve one frame at a time. “Strung together and relayed in sequence your art, paired with Johnny’s haunting song, will become a living, moving and ever changing portrait of the legendary man in black.”
Via The Johnny Cash Project.